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Premier Taptuna extends congratulations to new Prime Minister of Canada

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Premier Taptuna extends congratulations to new Prime Minister of Canada

October 20, 2015

Iqaluit, NU

Premier Peter Taptuna released the following statement:

"On behalf of Nunavummiut, I offer my congratulations to Canada’s new Prime Minister designate Justin Trudeau.

After a hard-fought campaign, Canadians made their voices heard last night, and I am pleased to embark on this new phase of working together.

I look forward to our work to strengthen Nunavut’s economic opportunities, infrastructure and social conditions, and realize the goals of Sivumut Abluqta.

I also extend congratulations to Nunavut’s new member of Parliament Hunter Tootoo, and look forward to working with you to advance our territory."


Media Contact:

Yasmina Pepa

Chief, Public Affairs

Office of Premier Taptuna



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