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Premier tables Katujjiluta progress report

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Premier tables Katujjiluta progress report

Iqaluit, Nunavut (March 14, 2023) – Today in the Legislative Assembly, Premier P.J. Akeeagok tabled the report titled, Government of Nunavut’s Progress on Katujjiluta Mandate Priorities: Highlights of 2022 Achievements and Plans for 2023. 

This progress report follows the passing of a budget that provides support to this government’s historic mandate, which is focused on aging with dignity in Nunavut, expanding the housing continuum, enabling health and healing, reinvesting in education, and diversifying local economies.

“This report reflects our promise to communicate progress on the implementation of Katujjiluta in an accessible format. I’m thrilled to share with you this account of what we’ve accomplished within a year-and-a-half in leadership,” Premier Akeeagok said.

The report includes a summary of work accomplished in 2022, commitments the government is working towards in 2023, and performance indicators linked to each of the five key mandate priorities.

Nunavummiut are invited to review this snapshot of the territory’s progress online at Government of Nunavut Progress on Katujjiluta Mandate Priorities.


Media Contact:

Beth Brown
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Akeeagok

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