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Premier Savikataaq sends condolences to victims of helicopter crash near Resolute Bay

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Premier Savikataaq sends condolences to victims of helicopter crash near Resolute Bay

Iqaluit, Nunavut (April 26, 2021) - Premier Savikataaq today released the following statement:

“I was devastated to the hear news of a fatal helicopter crash near Resolute Bay last night. Tragically, all three onboard were killed on Griffith Island.

This is especially hard and personal, as this crash occurred during a trip to survey the Lancaster Sound polar bear population, undertaken by my Department of Environment.

As the RCMP work to determine the cause of the crash, I ask you to please keep the victims and their loved ones in your thoughts.

Out of respect to those involved, we will not release names until all next of kin are notified.”


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary to Premier Savikataaq

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