News Media Room

Premier makes significant cabinet changes

Last updated Friday, November 6, 2020

News Release

Premier makes significant cabinet changes

Iqaluit, Nunavut (November 6, 2020) – Premier Joe Savikataaq today announced changes to Nunavut’s executive council, after swearing in the newest member of cabinet, Minister Margaret Nakashuk, earlier this week.

Effective Monday, November 9:

  • Minister David Akeeagok remains Deputy Premier and Minister of Economic Development and Transportation, and becomes Minister of Human Resources
  • Minister Lorne Kusugak becomes Minister of Health and Minister responsible for Seniors;
  • Minister George Hickes remains Minister of Finance and becomes Minister of Justice;
  • Minister Jeannie Ehaloak becomes Minister of Community and Government Services, and remains Minister responsible for the Qulliq Energy Corporation;
  • Minister David Joanasie remains Minister of Education and becomes Minister responsible for the Nunavut Arctic College; and
  • Minister Margaret Nakashuk becomes Minister of Culture and Heritage and Minister responsible for the Nunavut Housing Corporation.

Minister Elisapee Sheutiapik remains Minister of Family Services and Minister responsible for Status of Women, while Premier Savikataaq remains Minister of Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs and Minister of Environment.

“The last full year of this Assembly is the ideal time to re-focus efforts and balance the urgent need to fight the spread of COVID-19 in Nunavut with our Turaaqtavut mandate goals,” said Premier Savikataaq. “These are major changes within the executive council, but I am confident in this renewed direction and we remain determined and dedicated to our priorities. The Government of Nunavut continues working hard and our team is excited to come together, more committed than ever, to help Nunavummiut.”

Premier Savikataaq also takes the opportunity to welcome Jimi Onalik in his new role as Deputy Minister of Economic Development and Transportation, starting Monday, November 9, and to congratulate Bernie MacIsaac on his retirement and thank him for his years of service in the position.


Media Contact:

Cate Macleod
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Savikataaq

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