News Media Room

Pink Shirt Day is February 22

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Pink Shirt Day is February 22

On February 22, wear pink to show your support and take a stand against bullying. Pink Shirt Day is held annually to raise awareness about bullying in our schools and communities.

Bullying has negative effects on building and maintaining positive school and community environments.

Schools and communities can get involved in a variety of ways:

  • Wear pink to show your support.
  • Hold an anti-bullying assembly.
  • Make and share a video about bullying.
  • Invite students and community members to share stories about bullying.
  • Start a conversation about bullying with family members.

The Government of Nunavut supports Pink Shirt Day because every child deserves an education free from discrimination, bullying, harassment and violence.

Visit for more ideas.


Media Contact:

Marie Mendillo
Communications Manager
Department of Education

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