News Media Room

Parks Day 2016 across Nunavut

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Parks Day 2016 across Nunavut

Start Date: July 4, 2016

End Date: July 16, 2016


All across Canada, Canadians celebrate their federal, provincial and territorial parks during the third week of July. This year, in Nunavut, Parks Day will take place on Saturday, July 16, 2016, with activities and events in several parks across the territory.

This is the perfect time for people to spend a day exploring and enjoying all that Nunavut’s outstanding parks have to offer.

For more information about Parks Day events near you, please contact Leesee Papatsie at 867-975-7727 or @email.


Media Contact:

Tana Silverland

Manager, Communications, Education and Outreach

Department of Environment



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