News Media Room

Nunavut Planning and Assessment Act Strengthens Responsible Resource Development

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

IQALUIT, Nunavut (June 19, 2013) – The implementation of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement has taken another important step forward with new federal legislation that will strengthen the timely and effective review of development projects throughout the territory.

The Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act is part of Bill C-47 that today received royal assent. It supports the work of the Nunavut Impact Review Board and the Nunavut Planning Commission – two institutions that are essential in involving Nunavummiut in decision-making over their land and resources.

“The Nunavut Planning and Project Assessment Act builds transparency and certainty that will allow the Government of Nunavut to take on the management of lands and resources without disrupting development and the benefits it brings,” said Premier Eva Aariak. “We were pleased to participate in every stage of developing this federal legislation.”

The legislation cuts down on duplication by creating a single process for the Nunavut Planning Commission and the Nunavut Impact Review Board to review development proposals. It sets out in law their powers and timelines for making important decisions. The bill also ensures that the Government of Nunavut and Inuit have a role in approving land-use plans in Nunavut.

“The new legislation is a boost to responsible resource development and economic growth in Nunavut,” said Peter Taptuna, Minister of Economic Development and Transportation. “Communities and industry have more certainty now about how decisions are made and how long they will take. This is essential to attracting new investment and the jobs that go along with it.”


Media Contact:

Pam Coulter 

Director of Communications

Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs 



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