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Nunavummiut encouraged to recognize Intergenerational Day

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

News Release

Nunavummiut encouraged to recognize Intergenerational Day

Iqaluit, Nunavut (June 1, 2018) – As Minister responsible for Seniors’ Advocate, Premier Paul Quassa is encouraging all Nunavummiut to reach out to someone of another generation today, in recognition of Intergenerational Day in Canada.

Intergenerational Day recognizes the importance of making connections between Elders, adults and youth to share knowledge and experiences, reduce isolation of older persons, and foster understanding, empathy, inclusion and care between generations.

"Inuit culture has always emphasized strong bonds between youth, adults and Elders. Elders have so much knowledge, expertise and experience to share with us to help remember our past, guide our present lives and decisions, and shape our future," said Premier Quassa. "It’s important that we encourage these connections, so that Inuit traditional knowledge and societal values continue to flourish and inform how we adapt to our daily lives."

More than 100 cities and most provinces and territories recognize June 1 as Intergenerational Day in Canada.

"I encourage all Nunavummiut to foster new ties with someone older or younger in their community in recognition of Intergenerational Day. It’s as simple as having a conversation over a cup of tea, sharing stories or lending a helping hand," added Premier Quassa.


Media Contact:

Hillary Casey
Press Secretary
Office of Premier Paul Quassa

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