News Media Room

New country food guidebook shared on World Food Day

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

New country food guidebook shared on World Food Day

October 16 is World Food Day! Around the globe, the day is celebrated by individuals and organizations committed to food security.

In recognition of this day, the Nunavut Food Security Coalition is sharing a new guidebook, Serving Country Food in Government-Funded Facilities and Community Programs.

Because country food is a healthy choice, GN-funded facilities and community programs are encouraged to serve more of it. To learn more about serving country food, World Food Day and the Nunavut Food Security Coalition, visit our website at:


Media Contact:

Jade Owen
Communications Specialist
Department of Family Services
Government of Nunavut

Kerry McCluskey
Director of Communications
Department of Corporate Services
Nunavut Tunngavik Inc.

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