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Minister Responds to OAG Release of Report on Children, Youth and Family Services

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023


Minister Responds to OAG Release of Report on Children, Youth and Family Services

March 18, 2014

Iqaluit, NU


Jeannie Ugyuk, Minister of Family Services released the following statement:

"Safeguarding the welfare of children at risk in Nunavut is our priority and we are committed to delivering high quality, culturally appropriate services to Nunavummiut. The department has made advancements in addressing many of the concerns and we are encouraged by this progress. We acknowledge there are challenges ahead and are dedicated to undertaking the work.

"Our staff is very devoted to working in this field and seeing positive changes and impacts. Even with our limited resources, they care tremendously and do the best within this framework to address the needs of children and families.

"We accept the auditor general’s independent 2013 follow-up report on child and family services in Nunavut. It assists our department in strengthening our programs and services and we are working towards meeting the recommendations outlined.

"In addressing the auditor general report, we have representatives working with Nunavut Arctic College to undertake a review of the social services worker program. We have made considerable progress in improving the mandatory statutory training staff requires in the field of child protection work; are in the process of discussing the best approach to expand the current training tracking system; and, concentrating efforts on resources to conduct facility inspections.

"We are reviewing the report and identifying immediate, mid and long-term plans to address recommendations and we look forward to comprehensive discussions with Members of the Assembly during Standing Committee this spring."


Media Contact:

Andres Ibanez

Communication Specialist

Department of Family Services




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