News Media Room

Iqaluit hosts Firearm Safety Awareness Week

Last updated Friday, February 2, 2024

The Department of Justice is hosting a Firearm Safety Awareness Week in Iqaluit, February 5 to February 9, as part of the Qukiutiliritsiarniq Nunavummi – Firearm Safety Nunavut campaign.

The Firearm Safety Nunavut Team will host drop-in Possession and Acquisition Licence (PAL) renewal clinics in Iqaluit, where residents can renew their firearm licences and learn more about firearm safety.

Renewal clinics run Monday to Friday, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. at Building 1106, 4th floor. The Firearm Safety Team will welcome participants with light snacks and door prizes, and also offer trigger locks, gun-cleaning kits and first aid kits.

In collaboration with Nunavut’s Firearm Office, the Community Justice division delivers Possession and Acquisition License (PAL) courses which permit you to acquire and store non-restricted firearms. The Community Justice division will continue to offer firearm safety courses, licence renewal clinics and safety-awareness events this year in communities throughout Nunavut.

For more information, contact Qukiutiliritsiarniq Nunavummi-Firearm Safety Nunavut project coordinator Rebecca Rowan-Tsannie at @email.


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