News Media Room

Iqaluit community cleanup 2017

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Iqaluit community cleanup 2017

Iqaluit’s 2017 community cleanup will take place on Friday, June 16 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Bags and gloves will be available in the parking lot of the Unikkaarvik Visitors’ Center between 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. on the day of the cleanup. Supplies can also be picked up from the visitors’ center on the Wednesday or Thursday before the event.

All cleanup volunteers are invited to attend an appreciation barbecue in the visitors’ center parking lot, hosted by the Unikkaarvik Visitors’ Center at noon on June 16. Please bring your own cup.

Cleanup volunteers will also have a chance to enter a draw to get a pair of Canadian North/Calm Air plane tickets. Appreciation goes to the following sponsors: Co-op, Canadian North, Calm Air, Destination Nunavut, Government of Nunavut, federal government and the City of Iqaluit.

For more information, please contact Daniel Inuarak at 867-975-7722 or by email at @email. Large groups should also contact Daniel, so that they can be assigned a specific area to clean.


Media Contact:

Hayward Harris
Manager of Communications, Education and Outreach
Department of Environment

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