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After School Employment Program (ASEP) pilot offers work for students

Last updated Tuesday, January 30, 2024

Are you an Iqaluit student looking to earn money while gaining job skills? The After School Employment Program pilot through the Department of Community and Government Services is aimed at supporting pre-employment goals for students. The 2023-2024 ASEP pilot is the first step to help guide a phased rollout.

To be eligible, students must be either in high school, college, or a recent graduate. At minimum, they must have completed grade 10 and be 14 years of age.

Successful applicants will be hired on a part-time basis, and their resumes will be screened and matched with the job best suited to their field of interest, knowledge, skills, and qualifications. In support of Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement, priority will be given to Nunavut Inuit.

Normal working hours will be Monday to Friday with flexibility for weekends. The hours are also flexible depending on the student’s schedule and the availability of mentors within the department.

For more information, please email @email or call 867-975-5436.

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