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2016 Qilaut Inuktut children’s songwriting winners

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

2016 Qilaut Inuktut children’s songwriting winners

The Department of Culture and Heritage is pleased to announce the winners of Qilaut 2016. The Qilaut Inuktut children’s songwriting contest celebrates Nunavut’s vibrant Inuktut music scene and promotes the use of Inuktut in all areas of daily life.

Fifteen songs were submitted by emerging and well-seasoned Nunavut musicians. The songs were evaluated on their originality, creativity, melody and lyrics. The winning songs are:

1. 786, by Becky Han and Tracy May

2. Qaariaq, by Becky Han and Tracy May

3. Paurit Qajaqturit, by Looee Arreak

4. Uumajuit Uqausingit, by Looee Arreak

5. Uvangaugiaq Quviakkama, by Looee Arreak

6. Quviasuliqpunga Ilingniarniarama, by Joan Friesen and Pallulaaq Friesen

7. Upin nga’haaq, by Gordon Kaniak and Ben Timmins

8. Silamut Anigama, by the Early Childhood Education Program students (Iqaluit)

9. Inuktitut Uqausira, by Looee Arreak

10. Surusikuluulluni Niviaqsiakuluulluni, by Daniel Taukie

The top three winners will respectively receive $5,000, $2,500 and $1,500, and the seven runners-up receive $500 each. All ten songs will be professionally recorded, and the CD will be released in February during the 2017 Uqausirmut Quviasuutiqarniq, Nunavut’s annual celebration of Inuktut.

Thank you to everyone who submitted songs and congratulations to all of the winners!


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