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2024 Premier’s Council of the Federation Literacy Award accepting nominations

Last updated Tuesday, February 20, 2024
2024 COF Literacy Award

Each year, Canada’s Premiers, under the banner of the Council of the Federation, join in celebrating literacy. To honour those who support literacy in Nunavut, Premier P.J. Akeeagok seeks nominations for the 2024 Council of the Federation Literacy Award.

The award honours an individual who supports and inspires others to use Inuktut and develop their literacy skills – oral, written or through artistic expression.

Nominate someone who has gone above and beyond to support and encourage others to develop their literacy skills. It can be a student, teacher, community volunteer, an Elder, or a co-worker who promotes the importance of learning and connection.

The winner will be recognized with a medallion and a certificate presented by Premier Akeeagok in the fall. They will also receive a $300 bursary.

The nomination form can be found on the Premier of Nunavut’s website.

The deadline for nominations is March 31, 2024. You can submit your nomination by emailing @email.  

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