Department of Environment

Corporate Management

Corporate Management

Corporate Management is carried out by the Directorate, the Policy, Planning and Legislation division, the Corporate Services division, and the Climate Change Secretariat.

The Directorate is responsible for overall management and direction of the Department of Environment and includes the offices of the Deputy Minister and Assistant Deputy Minister. The Directorate provides leadership to the department and ensures programs and services delivered by the department reflect the priorities of the government. The Directorate is also responsible for leading the incorporation of Inuit Societal Values into all department activities.

The Policy, Planning and Legislation division is responsible for integrating and coordinating policy, legislation development, and planning functions of the department, and providing advice on policy and strategic direction to the Directorate, as required. The division works to ensure effective communications within the department, the GN and with Nunavummiut, as well as with national and international audiences. The division also develops environmental education materials and coordinates many departmental outreach initiatives.

The Corporate Services division provides overall support to the department and ensures that all programs and services are effectively managed. It ensures that the financial and human resources operations of the Department of Environment are carried out in accordance with the policies and procedures of the department and the GN.

The Climate Change Secretariat is guided by: Upagiaqtavut - the GNs climate change adaptation strategy; the Pan-Territorial Adaptation Strategy; and the clean energy-related aspects of Ikummatiit - the GNs energy strategy, as they relate to Nunavut’s commitments on climate change adaptation and mitigation. Climate Change Secretariat builds public awareness around the impacts of climate change and establishes territory-wide outreach activities. Climate Change Secretariat supports national and international initiatives on climate change and promotes awareness of Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit of climate change and its integration into decision-making in Nunavut.

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