
Community Capacity Building Program


The Community Capacity Building Program helps Nunavut hamlets promote economic development in their community. The program provides funding for the employment and training of a Community Economic Development Officer and preparing a community economic development plan. The program objectives are:

  • To facilitate and strengthen community-based economic development in Nunavut through partnerships with Nunavut’s municipal governments.
  • To support funding for a Community Economic Development Officer.
  • To support communities in the implementation of community economic initiatives.
  • To strengthen and support the participation of Nunavut communities in economic development opportunities.
  • To support implementation and monitoring of the NNI Regulations.

The Community Capacity Building Fund can be found on page 15 under Schedule 2: Policy on Program Partnerships in the Grants and Contributions Policy.

Who can apply

Municipalities in Nunavut incorporated under the Cities, Towns and Villages Act or under the Hamlets Act.


Email: @email
Phone: 1-888-975-5999

For more information, please contact your regional EDT office

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