News Media Room

Wastewater leak in Rankin Inlet

Last updated Thursday, November 30, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Wastewater leak in Rankin Inlet

The Department of Community and Government Services (CGS) would like to advise the community of Rankin Inlet of a wastewater leak that began at the Johnston Cove Lift Station on May 20.

Upon notice, CGS immediately began confining the spill and pumping it back into the lift station.

Efforts to identify and repair the pipe are ongoing. During this time, there may be a risk of leaking wastewater being discharged into the Johnston Cove area. All efforts will be made to ensure that the area will be cleaned up following the completion of the repair work.

Despite the limited risk, community members are advised to keep their distance from this site. Community members will be notified if additional water management measures are required during the repair.

CGS is engaged in ongoing consultations and communication with the municipality, the Department of Health, the Department of Environment and federal agencies regarding this incident.


Media Contact:

Mustafa Eric
Communications Specialist
Community and Government Services
Government of Nunavut

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