News Media Room

Celebrate Small Business Week

Last updated Thursday, October 24, 2019

Public Service Announcement

Celebrate Small Business Week

It’s National Small Business Week and the Department of Economic Development and Transportation congratulates all small businesses in Nunavut for their contributions to the territory’s economic growth.

The department invests in small businesses and promotes entrepreneurship through several programs. The Small Business Support Program provides three types of funds for up-and-coming businesses, community organizations and individuals:

  • Small Business Opportunities Fund;
  • Entrepreneur Development Fund; and the
  • Sustainable Livelihood Fund.

The Community, Tourism and Cultural Industries Program strengthens community infrastructure and readiness for tourism, and enhances economic development in sectors such as music, digital media, writing and performing arts. For more information, go to


Media Contact:

Matthew Illaszewicz
Manager of Communications
Department of Economic Development and Transportation

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