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Inuugatta Inuktuuqta Language Conference concluded in Iqaluit

Last updated Thursday, April 4, 2019

News Release

Inuugatta Inuktuuqta Language Conference concluded in Iqaluit

Iqaluit, Nunavut (April 4, 2019) – The Innuuqatta Inuktuuqta language conference, organized by the Government of Nunavut (GN) Department of Culture and Heritage, Nunavut Tunngavik Inc (NTI), Office of the Languages Commissioner of Nunavut, and Inuit Uqausinginnik Taiguusiliuqtiit concluded last week in Iqaluit.

The conference brought together 150 Inuktut language leaders, experts, speakers and learners who celebrated, honored and shared experiences on Inuktut revitalization and preservation efforts.

“2019 marks the tenth anniversary of the Nunavut’s Official Language Act, and the United Nations International Year of Indigenous Languages. Inuugatta Inuktuuqta highlights our ongoing efforts to maintain and strengthen Inuktut,” said Minister of Languages David Joanasie. “We remain committed to working with our language partners in each region to ensure that Inuktut preservation and promotion remains at the forefront of Inuit society.”

Inuugatta Inuktuuqta also explored language successes and challenges from the last 10 years, while looking to the future for solutions to safeguard Inuktut. The GN, along with regional Inuit associations and NTI, renewed their commitment to language leadership by setting the collective goal of stabilizing language loss and build the language capacity of the next generation of Nunavummiut.

The next Inuktut language conference will be held in 2020 in the Kitikmeot.


Media Contact:

Michael Salomonie
Manager Communications
Department of Culture and Heritage

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