Sport and Recreation

Sport and recreation programs

Team Nunavut

The Sport and Recreation Division is responsible for the coordination of Team Nunavut’s participation in Major Games Programs. Team Nunavut participates in:

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Youth Ambassador Program

The Nunavut Youth Ambassador Program identifies and develops young leaders age 16-21 while using sport and recreation programs as a tool for social development, positive values and encouraging healthy, sustainable solutions to challenges of modern life. The Youth Ambassador Program uses sport and recreation to build respect, tolerance and foster inter-cultural awareness and relationships.

Sport Awards

The Sport Awards Program recognizes the outstanding accomplishments and contribution of our athletes, coaches, officials, teams and volunteers. The Sport and Recreation Division invites Territorial Sport and Recreation Organizations, Hamlet Councils, non-profit organizations and individuals to submit nominations for awards each year for the following categories

  • Male and Female Athlete of the Year
  • Team of the Year
  • Official of the Year
  • Coach of the Year
  • Special Recognition Award

Sport and Recreation Scholarship Program

The Sport and Recreation Division accepts applications from Nunavut students pursuing a post-secondary program in the field of physical education, kinesiology, sport administration, sport sciences or recreation at a recognized college or university.

For More Information on any Sport and Recreation Program, contact:

Sport and Recreation Division Headquarters

Department of Community and Government Services

PO Box 440, 3090 6th Street

Baker Lake, Nunavut

X0C 0A0

Phone: (888) 765-5506 (toll free) & (867) 793-3310 (General Inquiries)

Fax: (867) 793-3321

Email: [email protected]

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