Request for appeals, Income Assistance
Income Assistance Appeals Process
The Income Assistance Act and Income Assistance Regulations establishes an appeal process for applicants or recipients of income assistance who disagree with a decision concerning their income assistance.
If an applicant/recipient is dissatisfied with an Income Assistance Worker’s decision concerning their eligibility for assistance or the amount of assistance, they can appeal to the first level appeal body, the Income Assistance Appeal Committee (IAAC).
The applicant/recipient has 7 days from the date of the assessment to file an appeal.
The Income Assistance Appeal Committee has 30 days to hear the appeal.
Contact your Income Assistance Worker for an Appeal Form. Complete the Appeal Form and return it to the Income Assistance Worker. The Income Assistance Worker will submit the appeal form and required documents for review by the Income Assistance Appeal Committee.
The applicant/recipient can participate in the appeal hearing. The Income Assistance Worker will give the applicants/recipient all the required information for participating in the hearing.
The applicants/recipient will be contacted with the decision and a copy of the letter will be placed on their file and case notes added. The applicant/ recipient can also be given a copy if requested.
If the applicant/recipient is unsatisfied with the IAAC decision concerning their eligibility for assistance or the amount of assistance paid to them, they can appeal to the second level appeal body, the Income Assistance Appeal Board (IAAB).
They have 7 days to submit the second level appeal form to the Income Assistance Worker,
The Income Assistance Appeal Board has 30 days to hear the appeal. The decision of the Income Assistance Appeal Board is final with no other recourse.