Social Supports


Under the guidance of the Minister responsible for Homelessness, the Department of Family Services within the Government of Nunavut develops and implements a wide range of solutions for preventing and addressing the root causes of homelessness.

In this role, the Department undertakes advocacy and research to build awareness and understanding of homelessness in Nunavut. The Department also provides contribution funding to Hamlets and non-profit organizations that provide emergency homeless shelter, transitional housing and support services to Nunavummiut experiencing homelessness.

The Framework for Action for Nunavut's Homelessness provides an overview of the Family Services Department's role in addressing homelessness, explores what it means to be homeless to Nunavummiut and what are the root causes and effects of homelessness.

Homelessness Outreach Worker

The Homelessness Outreach Workers, provide advocacy, referrals and one-on-one support to homeless clients. They help to distribute care packages for Nunavummiut living in shacks and other places not intended for permanent housing. They also coordinate respite hotel accommodations and travel to a )shelter or to housing options with family or friends in another community. 

If you are experiencing homelessness and need help please contact [email protected] or phone (867) 899-7302

Responsible department: Family Services
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