Nunavut Bureau of Statistics

Census Data

2021 Census 

Census Graph


Nunavut Census Population by age sex region and community 2011, 2016 and 2021 Censuses Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community 1981 to 2021 2 tables Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts 2011, 2016 and 2021


2016 Census Data


StatsUpdate - Labour Force, Education and Language Used at Work - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Age Group Distribution and Average Age by Community - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Population Counts by Age Group and Sex - 2011 and 2016 Censuses StatsUpdate - Population Age Group Distribution and Average Age by Province and Territory - 2011 and 2016 Censuses StatsUpdate - Household Income - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Community Population Counts - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2016 Census


Nunavut Census Population by Age, Sex, Region and Community - 2006, 2011 and 2016 Censuses Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community - 1981 to 2016 Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2016 Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts - 2011 and 2016 Nunavut Labour Force, Highest Certificate, Diploma and Degree by Region and Community - 2016 Census Nunavut Population 15 Years and Over by Marital Status, Community and Region - 2016 Census Nunavut Census Language by Region and Community - 2016


2011 Census Data


StatsUpdate - Nunavut Age Group Distribution and Median Age by Community - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Community Population Counts - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Population Counts by Age Group and Sex - 2001, 2006 and 2011 Censuses StatsUpdate - Population Age Group Distribution and Median Age by Province and Territory - 2006 and 2011 Censuses StatsUpdate - Families, Marital Status, Households and Dwellings - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Mother Tongue and Language Spoken Most Often at Home - 2011 Census


Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community - 1981 to 2011 Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2011 Nunavut Census Population by Age, Sex, Region and Community - 2006 and 2011 Nunavut Population 15 Years and Over by Marital Status, Community and Region - 2011 Census Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts - 2006 and 2011 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2011 Nunavut Census Family Structure - 2011 Census

2006 Census


StatsUpdate - Employment, Education, Work Language - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Families, Marital Status, Households and Dwellings - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Income and Earnings, 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Language - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Mobility and Migration - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Population Counts by Age and Sex - 2006 Census



Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit Identity - 1996, 2001, and 2006


Nunavut Census Language by Community - 1996 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2001 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2006


Nunavut Census Educational Attainment by Region and Community - 2006

Labour and Employment

Nunavut Census Labour Force by Region and Community - 2001 and 2006 Nunavut Census Labour Force by Region, Community and Inuit Identity - 2001 and 2006


Nunavut Census Income and Earnings by Region and Community - 2005


2011 National Household Survey


StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Labour Force, Education and Language Used at Work - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Income and Earnings - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Mobility and Migration - 2011 NHS


Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2011 NHS Nunavut Knowledge of Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun by Region and Community - 2011 NHS Community Tables Labour Force - 2011 NHS Community Tables Education - 2011 NHS Total Population by Language Spoken Most Often at Work - 2011 NHS Labour Force by Occupation and Industry for 15 Years and Over for Nunavut, Regions and Communities - 2011 NHS Nunavut Income-Earnings Tables by Region and Community - 2011 NHS Nunavut Total Number of Occupied Private Dwelling By Condition - 2011 NHS Interprovincial Migrants Aged 5 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories - 2011 NHS


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