Census Data
2021 Census
Nunavut Census Population by age sex region and community 2011, 2016 and 2021 Censuses Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community 1981 to 2021 2 tables Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts 2011, 2016 and 20212016 Census Data
StatsUpdate - Labour Force, Education and Language Used at Work - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Age Group Distribution and Average Age by Community - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Population Counts by Age Group and Sex - 2011 and 2016 Censuses StatsUpdate - Population Age Group Distribution and Average Age by Province and Territory - 2011 and 2016 Censuses StatsUpdate - Household Income - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Community Population Counts - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2016 Census StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2016 CensusTables
Nunavut Census Population by Age, Sex, Region and Community - 2006, 2011 and 2016 Censuses Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community - 1981 to 2016 Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2016 Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts - 2011 and 2016 Nunavut Labour Force, Highest Certificate, Diploma and Degree by Region and Community - 2016 Census Nunavut Population 15 Years and Over by Marital Status, Community and Region - 2016 Census Nunavut Census Language by Region and Community - 20162011 Census Data
StatsUpdate - Nunavut Age Group Distribution and Median Age by Community - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Community Population Counts - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Nunavut Population Counts by Age Group and Sex - 2001, 2006 and 2011 Censuses StatsUpdate - Population Age Group Distribution and Median Age by Province and Territory - 2006 and 2011 Censuses StatsUpdate - Families, Marital Status, Households and Dwellings - 2011 Census StatsUpdate - Mother Tongue and Language Spoken Most Often at Home - 2011 CensusTables
Nunavut Census Population by Region and Community - 1981 to 2011 Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2011 Nunavut Census Population by Age, Sex, Region and Community - 2006 and 2011 Nunavut Population 15 Years and Over by Marital Status, Community and Region - 2011 Census Nunavut Census Occupied Dwelling Counts - 2006 and 2011 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2011 Nunavut Census Family Structure - 2011 Census2006 Census
StatsUpdate - Employment, Education, Work Language - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Families, Marital Status, Households and Dwellings - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Income and Earnings, 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Language - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Mobility and Migration - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Population and Dwelling Counts - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2006 Census StatsUpdate - Population Counts by Age and Sex - 2006 CensusTables
Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit Identity - 1996, 2001, and 2006Language
Nunavut Census Language by Community - 1996 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2001 Nunavut Census Language by Community - 2006Education
Nunavut Census Educational Attainment by Region and Community - 2006Labour and Employment
Nunavut Census Labour Force by Region and Community - 2001 and 2006 Nunavut Census Labour Force by Region, Community and Inuit Identity - 2001 and 2006Income
Nunavut Census Income and Earnings by Region and Community - 2005
2011 National Household Survey
StatsUpdate - Aboriginal Peoples in Canada: Focus on Inuit in Nunavut - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Labour Force, Education and Language Used at Work - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Income and Earnings - 2011 NHS StatsUpdate - Mobility and Migration - 2011 NHSTables
Nunavut Census Population by Region, Community and Inuit and Non-Inuit Identity - 1996 to 2011 NHS Nunavut Knowledge of Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun by Region and Community - 2011 NHS Community Tables Labour Force - 2011 NHS Community Tables Education - 2011 NHS Total Population by Language Spoken Most Often at Work - 2011 NHS Labour Force by Occupation and Industry for 15 Years and Over for Nunavut, Regions and Communities - 2011 NHS Nunavut Income-Earnings Tables by Region and Community - 2011 NHS Nunavut Total Number of Occupied Private Dwelling By Condition - 2011 NHS Interprovincial Migrants Aged 5 Years and Over of Canada, Provinces and Territories - 2011 NHS