Liquor and Cannabis

Become a Registered Cannabis Supplier

The Government of Nunavut is accepting registration applications for federally licensed cannabis producers who want to supply cannabis to Nunavut Cannabis Retailers. Registered suppliers are the only businesses that can sell cannabis products to Nunavut Cannabis Retailers.

Become a Registered Supplier of Cannabis to Nunavut Cannabis Retailers

Are you a Health Canada federally licenced producer of cannabis? Are you interested in wholesaling cannabis in Nunavut? Why not become a Nunavut Registered Supplier!

To become a Registered Supplier, you will have to complete the Registered Supplier Application Form, enclose a copy of your federal licence to produce cannabis and pay the $100 annual registration fee. Payments can be made by filling out the Credit Card Authorization Form or sending a cheque to the address noted below.

The Office of the Superintendent will then provide you with a registration number and make your contact information available to Nunavut Cannabis Retailers, as well as make your company name and logo publicly available on the Department of Finance website (unless you request otherwise).

From that point, you and the retailers will have the freedom to develop your own business relationships without government involvement. The only ongoing requirement will be to report information on sales to Nunavut Cannabis Retailers on a monthly basis. Reporting for each month is due to the Office of the Superintendent on the 7th of the following month, and must include the date, recipient and volume of cannabis sold or returned in Excel format.

Office of the Superintendent of Licensing

2nd floor Parnaivik Building, 924 Mivvik St.

Department of Finance, Government of Nunavut

P.O. Box 1000 Station 330

Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0

If you have any questions, please email [email protected] or call 867-975-5875.

Nunavut Registered Supplier Application Form Credit Card Authorization Form


Responsible department: Finance
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