Inuit Employment

Inuit Employment Plans

Inuit Employment

The Government of Nunavut is committed to developing a public service that is representative of the population of Nunavut as stipulated in Article 23 of the Nunavut Land Claims Agreement through the implementation of various initiatives such as:


Article 23

The objective of Article 23 is to increase Inuit participation in government employment in the Nunavut Settlement Area to a representative level. In 2003 the GN and Nunavut Tunngavik Incorporated (NTI) agreed that this would amount to 85% of the territorial workforce.

As part of this Article, the GN with the participation of the Nunavut Implementation Training Committee (NITC) shall undertake a detailed analysis of the labour force of the Nunavut Settlement Area to determine the availability, interest and level of preparedness of Inuit for government employment. The purpose of the analysis is to assess the existing skill level and degree of formal qualification among the Inuit labour force and to assist in formulating Inuit employment plans and pre-employment training.

Each GN department/agency shall prepare an Inuit employment plan (IEP) to increase and maintain the employment of Inuit at a representative level.

Finally under Article 23 the GN and NTI shall develop and implement pre-employment training plans.

The challenge of this government and that of future governing bodies within Nunavut will be to attain, and once there, maintain a representative level.


Read Article 23.

Responsible department: Human Resources
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