Inuit Employment

Inuit Employment Plan - Culture and Heritage

Inuit Employment Plan 2017 to 2023

The GN’s New Inuit Employment Plans to 2023

The Government of Nunavut (GN) continues to be committed to increasing the number of Inuit employees in the territorial public service to be representative of the people we serve in Nunavut and to meet our obligations under Article 23 of the Nunavut Agreement.

The GN has maintained multi-year Inuit Employment Plans (IEPs) for the public service since Nunavut was created in 1999. These government-wide IEPs guide the annual actions identified in Business Plans and are updated or replaced periodically.

The GN drafted a new multi-year “Master” Inuit Employment Plan in 2017-2018 after new federal funding for Inuit employment initiatives became available until 2023. For the first time, departments and large territorial corporations also developed multi-year IEPs. These IEPs were updated and finalized in 2019.

The IEPs describe challenges and opportunities in Inuit employment and include Inuit employment goals and action plans to 2023. Annual goals and priorities for action continue to be included in the annual IEPs in the GN’s business plans.

The Master IEP and departmental IEPs to 2023 include many training, education and career development initiatives to help Inuit employees and casual workers develop their skills and follow a desired career path in the public service.

The Master IEP to 2023 aims to ensure that the GN is an employer of choice for Inuit in Nunavut through programs and initiatives that enable the GN to be:

A sustainable and representative public service;

A strong and skilled workforce; and

A welcoming and respectful employer.

Download the Inuit Employment Plans

Departmental IEPs to 2023 are available on the websites of each department and territorial corporation.

The summary Master IEP is available online at the Department of Human Resources website in all four official languages: Inuktitut, Inuinnaqtun, English and French. It is accompanied by a comprehensive Master IEP “Technical Report” that describes the opportunities and challenges presented by Nunavut’s labour market, as identified in the Nunavut Inuit Labour Force Analysis (NILFA) prepared by the Government of Canada.

Master Inuit Employment Plan (IEP) 2017-2023 Culture and Heritage Department Inuit Employment Plan (IEP) 2023
Responsible department(s): Culture and Heritage | Human Resources
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