A-314 Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form

A-314 Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form

Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form-Section 1-2

A-314 Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form


  1. The following information must be provided in order to register as a hazardous waste receiver in Nunavut and to obtain a receiver number. Incomplete applications will be returned to the applicant.
  2. A receiver who operates a commercial business for the purpose of collecting, storing, transferring, treating, recycling or disposing of hazardous waste may be required to register the facility as a hazardous waste management facility. Refer to section 3.2.2 of the Environmental Guideline for the General Management of Hazardous Waste for further information.
  3. Completed registration forms are to be forwarded to the Manager of Pollution Control, Department of Environment, Government of Nunavut, Box 1000, Station 1360, Iqaluit, Nunavut, X0A 0H0. Electronic registration forms are preferred and may be forwarded to [email protected].
  4. Use additional pages to provide information as required.
  5. Applicants should refer to the accompanying users’ guide for further assistance on completing the receiver registration form.

Section 1 - Identification

Section 2 - Description of Waste Received

(provide a seperate table if required)

Shipping Name TDG Number TDG Class Quantity Received each Month (L or Kg.) Frequecy of Acceptance


  • Current Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form-Section 1-2
  • Waste Management Information-Section 3-4
  • Users' Guide to the Hazardous Waste Receiver Registration Form
  • Preview
  • Complete
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