A-310 Nunavut Wildlife Observation Licence Form Download Form PDF Nunavut Wildlife Observation Licence A-310 Nunavut Wildlife Observation Licence Application Form Applicant Information Applicant Name Fax Number Email Address Phone Number Mailing Address Sponsor(s) / Funding Sources (and extent of involvement) Additional Licence Required Project Title Time Period Location Species Activity Leaders Activity Personnel Experience of Personnel (relevant to activity) Proposed Activity Methods Explain specific methods for meeting the objectives, including access, personnel, aircraft requirements, vehicles, camps Activity Suspension Plan Under what conditions and how will observations be terminated/postponed to minimize disturbance to wildlife. Wildlife Deterrence Plan Detail strategies and decision tree employed for preventing, dealing with, and reporting human-wildlife conflicts, with particular reference to polar bears. Will there be fuel cached for this project? No If yes, give the number of drums, type of fuel, location of the caches, and the dates of deployment /removal. Enter other… Community Consultation Plan Proposed Use of Local Knowledge Opportunities for Local Participation Steps Current Nunavut Wildlife Observation Licence Terms & Conditions Preview Complete Is this page useful? yes 0 no 0 Provide comments Email address Provide a comment Thank you for contacting the Government of Nunavut. Please do not send sensitive or personal information, including (but not limited to): social insurance numbers, birthdates, information of other people, or health information. Please only send a brief description of your issue or concern and how we can contact you. We will make sure the correct person contacts you if they need more information or if they can answer your question or concern.