Family Safety Initiatives
If you are in immediate danger, call your local Family Services office or RCMP detachment.
Family violence can have a serious impact on a child, youth, elder or family member, and there are several options available for the support and protection of children and families.
- If you or someone you know is experiencing abuse or family violence, call your local Community Justice Outreach Worker, Community Social Services Worker, or Family Services office for support and counselling.
- If you suspect a child is experiencing family violence, it is everyone's duty to report cases of abuse or suspected abuse to your local Family Services office or RCMP detachment.
- If you are a child experiencing abuse or neglect, reach out to a community member, community group, social worker or other trusted adult.
- In an emergency, call your local RCMP detachment. If there are children in the home, a social worker will always accompany the RCMP.
Family Violence Shelters
There are five Family Violence Shelters for people who are fleeing abuse and family violence. If there is a shelter in your community, visit the shelter directly or ask your local Community Social Services Worker for a referral to a shelter in a nearby community.
Nunavut operates shelters in the following communities:
- Cambridge Bay, St. Michael’s Crisis Shelter: (867) 983-5232
- Iqaluit, Qimavvik Shelter: (867) 979-4500
- Kugaaruk Family Violence Centre: (867) 769-6100
- Kugluktuk Women's Crisis Centre: (867) 982-3210
- Rankin Inlet, Kataujaq Society Shelter: (867) 645-2214
If there is no Family Violence Shelter in your community, your Community Social Services Worker or Community Justice Outreach Worker will accompany you to the nearest place of safety.
Important Links
Qulliit Nunavut Status of Women Council
Pauktuutik Inuit Women of Canada
Women's Initiative Grants - Applications and Guidelines - 2024 Men and Boys Initiatives - Applications and Guidelines - 2024