Education and Schools

Wage Scale Program

wage scale

🗓️  The ELCC Wage Scale rates increased on April 1, 2024.  🗓️

Supporting Early Childhood Educators

Nunavut's Early Learning and Child Care (ELCC) Wage Scale Program recommends a minimum wage that should be provided to ELCC staff. To promote the scale's implementation and the recruitment and retention of dedicated ELCC staff, this new program accepts applications from licensed child care centres for contribution funding to top up their staff compensation to levels outlined in the scale.

wage scale

This initiative provides contribution funding to licensed child care centres serving children aged 0-6.The goal is to ensure that ELCC staff receive equitable compensation for their crucial role in promoting the growth and well-being of all children. The ELCC Wage Scale outlines distinct wage levels across four categories:

  • Management.
  • Early childhood educator.
  • Program support.
  • Centre support.

These wage levels correspond to years of experience and the associated responsibilities within each category. Additionally, the educational level of early childhood educator certification influences wages for Management and Early Childhood Educators.

**NEW** Incorporation of the Northern Allowance

To further support our dedicated Early Childhood Educators and staff in licensed child care centres, we are pleased to announce the integration of the Northern Allowance into the ELCC Wage Scale Program. This allowance is structured according to the Government of Nunavut's Northern Allowance rates by community, to make up the differences in the cost of living between Nunavut communities and larger “designated” southern centres and to equalize the compensation of licensed child care centre staff across Nunavut who may face different economic conditions in different communities.

The allowance is applied as an additional hourly rate that is paid for all standard working hours, including paid vacation and sick leave.

Rates vary by community and whether full-time hours are 37.5 or 40 per week, ranging from $7.70/hr to $14.63/hr.

Who Can Participate?

Licensed child care centres serving children aged 0-6 years old are eligible to participate. Afterschool programs are excluded from eligibility.

Eligibility Criteria

Employees working in licensed child care centres within any of the four categories are eligible:

  • Management (e.g., ECE Director, Supervisor, Manager).
  • Early Childhood Educator.
  • Program Support (e.g., Language Programming staff, Special Needs Support staff).
  • Centre Support (e.g., Custodian, Cook).

How to Apply

ELCC Funding Application 2024-2025

Licensed child care centres must submit a completed application form to the appropriate regional office, providing the following for each centre staff person: 

  • Name.
  • Current base hourly wages for each staff member and their role.
  • Years of licensed child care experience; and
  • Current level of early childhood educator certification (e.g., none, certificate, diploma/degree).

**Eligible centres are encouraged to apply. The ELCC Wage Scale rates increased on April 1, 2024.**


How does the ELCC Wage Scale program work?
Licensed child care centres must apply to receive funding under the program. A list of all eligible employees working at the centre, including their current base hourly wage, years of experience and current level of early childhood educator certification, must be submitted along with the application form. Contribution funding will be provided to licensed child care centres to ensure that they can pay eligible employees up to the hourly wages set out in the wage scale.

How are ELCC Centre Staff placed on the ELCC Wage Scale?
Initial placement on the wage scale is determined by the employees’ level of responsibility in the centre (i.e., Management, Early Childhood Educator, etc.), level of early childhood educator (ECE) certification, and years of experience. For example, an employee working as an early childhood educator, with an ECE Certificate who has been working in a licensed child care centre for two years will be placed on step 3, level 2 of the ECE category.

How do employees increase their step or level within the wage scale?
Employees are eligible to increase their step or level placement on the wage scale the longer they remain working in licensed child care centres (i.e., the more experience they have) or as they further their education (i.e., they receive their early childhood educator certificate or diploma).

For example, an employee who was initially placed at step 3, level 2 of the ECE category, will move up one step if they continue working in the same role for one year. Similarly, an employee who was initially placed at step 3, level 2 of the ECE category, would move to level 3 if they successfully complete an ECE Diploma.

Who is responsible for assigning placement on the ELCC Wage Scale?
Licensed child care centres’ management staff (i.e., Director or Manager) are responsible for assessing employees’ years of experience, level of education, scope of responsibility, and assigning staff a placement on the wage scale. Department of Education staff verify that the necessary level of education has been achieved.

Can centres pay staff more than the ELCC Wage Scale rates?
Yes, centres that already pay employees more than the wages set out in the wage scale may not use the wage scale to decrease existing wages.

Is there a limit to the amount a centre can receive for their staff?
A total of over $10 million has been invested to increase wages for ELCC centre staff across Nunavut from 2023-2024 to 2025-2026. This wage scale is supported by federal funding made available through a contribution agreement with the Department of Education.

The number of employees required to meet staff to child ratios will be considered in addition to total available funding.

How much is the increase to the ELCC Wage Scale and how was it decided?
All rates on the ELCC Wage Scale increase by 3.9% as of April 1, 2024, to match the 2023 annual average consumer price index increase posted by Statistics Canada here: Consumer price index portal (

How does the Northern Allowance integrate with the ELCC Wage Scale?
The Northern Allowance is an additional hourly rate that is paid for all standard working hours, including paid vacation and sick leave for ELCC staff. It is determined by the staff member's community of residence and the number of full-time working hours in a week, and is designed to make up the differences in the cost of living between Nunavut communities and larger “designated” southern centres and to equalize the compensation of licensed child care centre staff across Nunavut who may face different economic conditions in different communities.

All employees working in licensed child care centres, including management, early childhood educators, program support, and centre support staff, are eligible for the Northern Allowance.

Related Links

ELCC Funding Application 2024-2025 ELCC Wage Scale April 2024

Funded by the Government of Canada through the Canada ‒ Nunavut Canada-wide Early Learning and Child Care Agreement. 

Responsible department: Education
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