Education and Schools

Math and Science Awards Program

The Department of Economic Development and Transportation recognizes that a solid foundation in math and science provides opportunities for Nunavummiut to pursue interests and careers in math, science and technology.


To encourage and support students pursuing interests in these fields, the Math and Science Awards Program offers awards to eligible students. Eligible students are well-rounded individuals who perform exceptionally in math and/or science. They must demonstrate at least one of the following qualities:

  • A good level of understanding in math and/or science,
  • Good work habits and school attendance,
  • A genuine interest, motivation and dedication to learning math and/or science, and/or
  • Significant growth or improvement in math and/or science.

Grade eight recipients are awarded $175, Grade 10 recipients are awarded $275, and Grade 12 recipients are awarded $350.



To qualify for the award, each school must identify the recipient(s) and submit a completed application form for each recipient. Each award will be mailed to the school in the form of a cheque and certificate. The awards are intended to be presented at each school graduation or awards ceremony.

The Department of Economic Development and Transportation appreciates the participation of each school in this program.

The Math and Science Awards Fund policy can be found on page 17 of the Grants and Contributions Policy.



For more information, please contact the Mining Awareness Coordinator.

Mining Awareness Coordinator

Phone: 867-857-3164

Fax: 867-857-2380

Email: [email protected]

Responsible department: Economic Development and Transportation
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