Education and Schools

Approved Curriculum

Nunavut Education Program

The development of the Nunavut Education Program is one of the primary responsibilities of the Curriculum Development division. This includes the design, development, adoption and review of Education Program content including curriculum, in the form of programs of study or resources for students, teachers and administrators, as well as those required to support inclusive education in the school system.


Curriculum is a general term that refers to the skills, performances, attitudes and values that students are expected to learn through their schooling. Curriculum is designed to help students achieve their individual potential and create a positive future for themselves, their families and their communities.

The Curriculum Development division is responsible for development, adoption/adaptation and implementation of all curriculum, Foundation documents, teaching resources, and student learning materials associated with programs of study for all grades (K to 12) in the Nunavut public school system.

The unit ensures that all materials used in Nunavut schools reflect education best practices, Inuit Qaujimajatuqangit, and the philosophical approaches of the Department of Education.


Grade 1

Grade 2

Grade 3

Grade 4

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

Grade 9

Grade 10

Grade 11

Grade 12


Strands refer to groupings of programs of study that may be interconnected or lend themselves to cross-curricular instruction. The intent of using strands to organize programs of study and instruction is to help students understand the connections between various learnings and strategies that lead to successful application of learning new contexts.

Aulajaaqtut (focuses on wellness, safety and one’s place in society. Physical, social, emotional and cultural wellness and goal setting are content areas)

Iqqaqqaukkaringniq (focuses on ways in which we describe and improve our world. Concepts in mathematics, analytical and critical thinking, solution-seeking, innovation, technology and practical arts will be explored)

Nunavusiutit (focuses on heritage, culture, history, geography, environmental science, civics, economics, current events and world news)

Uqausiliriniq (focuses on relationships in communication and language development, creative and artistic expression and reflective and critical thinking)

Programs of study  

Programs of study refers to what students are expected to learn and do in a given subject area and grade. Programs of study generally state desired outcomes and a planned sequence that will be used to help students achieve those outcomes.


Resources are materials developed to help educators support the achievement of outcomes for their students. Resources can range from fully-developed units based on themes or other ways of organizing content. Resources can also include teacher instructional guides or supporting resources such as videos or activity guides to help expand upon certain concepts or techniques.

Nunavut Approved Curriculum and Teaching Resources (2024-2025)

Liste des programmes approuvés pour l'éducation en français au Nunavut 2024-2025

Third-party requests to modify the Education Program

The Department of Education is frequently asked to support, collaborate and review material and/or programs for inclusion in schools as Nunavut approved curriculum and resources. Updating the Education Program and working with partner organizations provides opportunities for collaboration and the department to avail itself of expertise it might not otherwise have.

Changes to the Education Program may only be implemented by the Department of Education. In order to facilitate requests from external stakeholders, the department has developed a project summary document for submission and consideration by Curriculum Services. The expected turnaround time for review and response is 60-90 days.

The Education Program Enhancement Proposal Form can be downloaded. The completed document may be sent to [email protected]

Locally developed courses  

The Department of Education supports locally developed courses/modules designed to further develop and cultivate the unique talents, interest, needs and abilities of students and to foster educational improvement and excellence through innovative course development at the local level.

Locally developed courses are approved by the Minister of Education in those situations where substantial alterations of authorized courses or new offerings are required to more appropriately meet the educational needs of students in Nunavut. Requests to modify or develop new courses/modules are subject to departmental guidelines and procedures.

Instruction of a locally developed course shall not commence without the prior approval of the Minister. Requests must be received by October 1 for the spring semester and April 1 for the fall semester.

If a school wishes to develop a special project into a regularly offered program, the school must use the locally developed course protocol for development and approval. Contact [email protected] for further information.

Download the Locally Developed Course form. Completed forms may be sent to [email protected].

Responsible department: Education
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