Department of Education

Contact Education

Select division (optional)
media request, general information, inquiries from the public
student registration in K to 12, Alberta departmental exam registration and distance learning; requests for student records, official transcripts, diplomas, corrections to student information and re-supplying student record folders
student support and assistive technology (i.e., sound field systems); social-emotional learning and safe, caring and healthy school environments
requests for education support services; reports by education support service providers
student assessment and reporting practices and resources; homeschooling
Financial Assistance for Nunavut Students
questions and support for Nunavut Student Information Systems (SIS)
For Educators: Nunavut principal certification (CELN), questions and requests for support related to the Education Program, scheduling, timetabling, Education Program Plan, literacy, and grad requirements
requests for Nunavut-developed resources
questions about teacher and principal certification and salary evaluation, as well as requests for Statements of Professional Standing
questions about teaching and school leadership positions in Nunavut

Key Contacts

Department of Education
P.O. Box 1000, Stn. 900
Iqaluit, NU, X0A 0H0 Canada
[email protected]


In Iqaluit, the Department of Education's headquarters is located at 1107, Sivummut Building.

Media Contact

If you are a member of the media and you wish to talk to the Minister or speak to someone within the Department of Education, please contact:

Director of Stakeholder Engagement
Department of Education
P.O. Box 1000, Stn. 900
Iqaluit, NU X0A 0H0 Canada
[email protected]

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Thank you for contacting the Government of Nunavut.

Please do not send sensitive or personal information, including (but not limited to): social insurance numbers, birthdates, information of other people, or health information. Please only send a brief description of your issue or concern and how we can contact you. We will make sure the correct person contacts you if they need more information or if they can answer your question or concern.