Culture, Language, Heritage and Art


Terminology - Nakurmik

The Asuilaak Living Dictionary is an initiative of the Department of Culture and Heritage that has become the most comprehensive source of information on the Inuit language. It contains 80,000 Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun terms with many English and French translations.

The Department also holds regular workshops to develop standard Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun terminology. The workshops involve translators, language professionals and Elders from a number of different dialects. These efforts help improve communications in Inuktitut and Inuinnaqtun and support the use of Inuktitut as the working language.


Inuktitut Terminologist in Iqaluit:


Nunavut-specific terminology in French, please contact:  

Manager of French Services at

(867) 975-5502

Human Anatomy Glossary cover
Human Anatomy Glossary
Responsible department: Culture and Heritage
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