Nunavut-Wide Business Development and Funding Sections Government of Nunavut Business Development and Funding Strategic Investments Program Small Business Support Program Community Tourism and Cultural Industries Program Commercial Power Subsidy Nunavut-Wide Business Development and Funding Atuqtuarvik Corporation Business Development Centres Canadian Northern Economic Development Agency Chambers of Commerce Nunavut Development Corporation Nunavut Economic Developers Association Nunavut Business Credit Corporation Nunavut-Wide Business Funding Programs Please choose a program to the left. Responsible department(s): Economic Development and Transportation | Family Services Is this page useful? yes 0 no 3 Provide comments Email address Provide a comment Thank you for contacting the Government of Nunavut. Please do not send sensitive or personal information, including (but not limited to): social insurance numbers, birthdates, information of other people, or health information. Please only send a brief description of your issue or concern and how we can contact you. We will make sure the correct person contacts you if they need more information or if they can answer your question or concern.