Accessing Information


Under the ATIPP Act, there are specified reasons why the GN may be able to apply fees. A request for access to general information about the GN has a base fee of $25.00. If you request information about yourself, there is no base fee but charges may be applied for photocopying. Below is a full list of fees that may be applied pertaining to a formal ATIPP request under the ATIPP Act.

Under the ATIPP Act, public bodies may charge reasonable fees in accordance with the ATIPP regulations for processing access to information requests. The fee schedule outlined in the ATIPP regulations is as follows:

For Searching and Retrieving a records $6.75 per ¼ hour
For producing a record from an electronic record:
(a) computer processing and related charges
(b) computer programming
(a) actual amount charged to public body

(b) $10.00 per 1/4 hour
For preparing and handling a record for disclosure $6.75 per ¼ hour
For supervising the examination of a record $6.75 per ¼ hour
For shipping a record or a copy of a record actual amount charged to public body
For copying a record: 
(a) photocopies, hard copy laser print and computer printouts

$0.25 per page
For copying a record: 
(b) floppy disks

$10.00 per disk
For copying a record: 
(c) computer tapes

$55.00 per tape
For copying a record: 
(d) microfiche (diazo film)

$0.50 per fiche
For copying a record: 
(e) duplication of 16mm microfilm

$25.00 per roll
For copying a record: 
(f) duplication of 35mm microfilm

$32.00 per roll
For copying a record: 
(g) duplication of microfilm or microfiche to paper

$2.00 per page
For copying a record: 
(h) photographs (colour or black and white from negative)
(i) 4" x 5" 
(ii) 5" x 7" 
(iii) 8" x 10" 
(iv) 11" x 14" 
(v) 16" x 20"

If a public body has determined fees are to be charged in relation to your ATIPP request, the request is immediately put on hold and you will be provided with an estimate of fees to be charged. Once you agree to pay the estimated fees, the timeline is immediately recommenced. Unless the fees exceed $150.00, you are only required to provide the public body with a notice of agreement to pay the fees. If the fees exceed $150.00, the you are required to provide the public body with at least 50% of the estimate before the process can continue.

Fee Waiver

If for any reason you feel you cannot or should not pay fees associated with your request for access to information, you may request that the head of the public body waive your fees. The head of the public body may waive all or a portion of your fee if, in their opinion, you cannot afford to pay the fee or for any other reason they feel it is fair to waive that fee.

Responsible department: Executive and Intergovernmental Affairs
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