Department of Environment

Wildlife Research

The Wildlife Research Division is responsible for overseeing scientific research, wildlife monitoring, and the collection, and analysis of Inuit knowledge and Inuit Societal Values research. The Research Division uses the scientific and traditional knowledge gathered to develop management plans, regulations and conservation recommendations.

Wildlife Research includes scientific research, wildlife monitoring and the collection, and analysis of Inuit knowledge and Inuit Societal Values research. Development of management plans, regulations and conservation recommendations for consideration by the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board (NWMB) are achieved through extensive community and stakeholder consultations. Wildlife Research works with Hunters and Trappers Organizations (HTOs), Regional Wildlife Organizations (RWOs), Nunavut Wildlife Management Board, territorial parks co-management committees, as well as national and international management bodies. This section also reviews land use applications, monitors land use impacts and develops recommendations with respect to wildlife and wildlife habitat.

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