News Media Room

Virtual Take Our Kids to Work Day 2020

Last updated Thursday, November 9, 2023

Public Service Announcement

Virtual Take Our Kids to Work Day 2020

Attention all Nunavut Grade 9 students, parents, and employers, Take Our Kids to Work Day will take place virtually on Wednesday, November 4, 2020!

Grade 9 students are invited to spend the day virtually in the workplace of a parent, relative, family friend, or volunteer adult to experience and learn about the world of work. Due to COVID-19 health measures, this year’s event can take place by telephone, video chat, or other online platforms.

The Department of Education supports this program with the hope that participating Grade 9 students will:
• start exploring career options in a practical way that compliments their Aulajaaqtut classes;
• understand the importance of staying in school; and
• gain a better understanding of the many career choices open to them.

Some Nunavut schools may observe this activity on a different date to meet their school’s instructional needs.

Online resources for Grade 9 students, parents, workplaces, and educators can be found at


Media Contact:

Troy Rhoades
Acting Communications
Manager Department of Education

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