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Economic Development and Transportation

Aviation scholarship

Are you going to school to train as a pilot, aircraft maintainer, flight attendant, or in airline or airport operations?

Economic Development and Transportation

GN launches Nunavut Public Art Initiative

The Government of Nunavut (GN) today launched the Nunavut Public Art Initiative to support local artists during the COVID-19 pandemic, as a celebration of the territory’s creators.

Economic Development and Transportation

North Baffin employment and training support

If you are affected by recent lay-offs from the Mary River Mine or looking for training opportunities in your community or region, the Government of Nunavut can help.

Economic Development and Transportation

Celebrate Small Business Week

It’s National Small Business Week and the Department of Economic Development and Transportation

Economic Development and Transportation

Be aware, drive safely

The Department of Economic Development and Transportation reminds Nunavummiut to drive safely, and observe speed limits at all times.

Interested in getting in touch for media inquiries?


Casey Lessard
Director, Communications
[email protected]

Heather Grant
Policy Analyst
[email protected]

John Manzo
Manager of Communications
[email protected]

Weichien Chan
Manager, Communications
[email protected]


Matthew Illaszewicz
Director Stakeholder Engagement
[email protected] 

Leanne Babstock
Director, Policy Planning and Legislation
[email protected]

Maya Jelali
A/Director, Policy & Planning
[email protected]

Hillary Casey
Director, Corporate Policy
[email protected]

Pam Coulter
A/Manager, Communications
[email protected]

Irma Arkus
Manager, Communications 
[email protected]

Peter Varga
Policy and Communications Analyst
[email protected]

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